Web Development

Web Development for Freelancing/Outsource

Web Development is one of important topics for Freelancing. This is huge filed and need to learn lot of thing. I will provide some information where you can start. This is for beginners. If you want to learn web development then start as follows:

  • HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language
  • CSS - Cascading style sheets
  • Java Script
  • PHP - Hypertext Processor
  • Database(SQL) - Structured Query Language
  • Word Press
If you learn above item then you can start your career as Web Developer and start earning good amount of money.
Once you learned above then you can start learning for following:
  • Graphics(Photoshop/Illustrator)
  • JQuery
  • JQuery Mobile
  • Bootstrap
  • Angular JS
  • JSON
  • AJAX
You can get all above tutorial from following school and it is free:

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